Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Join me in 2009

Hope everyone is having or had a great New Year's Eve. It is a beautiful New Year's Day here in Xiamen, China. A bright sunny day, where the green of the leaves and blue of the water sparkle. Especially noteworthy on the most optimistic and hopeful day of the year. Although, it's "just another day", it holds a special meaning. New Year's Day provides a sense of optimism and hope for a brighter tomorrow. I enjoy looking back on all of the great times and even the hard times of the best year, but looking forward to all the possibilities and fantastic times ahead feels so much better. Even if the path to get there may have obstacles. We must hold on to this sense of optimism and hope throughout the year. Enjoy the day wherever you are and raise your glass to the possibilities in 2009.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy American New Year to this blog owner and all.